Friday, June 10, 2011

Fixing Product Grid bug resetting to 3 columns when cache is enabled

In Magento Commerce, if you edit layout/catalog.xml in your theme as follows:


The above layout XML code should make category/catalog page use 2 columns left page layout, and the Product Grid will use 4 columns.

Note: The above code should also be applied to the "catalog_category_layered" layout handle.

However, there is a bug as of Magento If cache is not active, then Product Grid correctly uses 4 columns.
But if cache is active, the first page view will use 4 columns, yet the subsequent page views use 4 columns in Product Grid.

Even doing this still doesn't work:


I'm not sure what causes this, but there is a solution to this problem although it's more of a workaround:

It's not ideal, but at least it works: (source)


Another workaround is easier to do but will hurt performance: Disable layout cache :(

To learn more about designing themes for Magento, I highly recommend Magento 1.4 Themes Design book with great reviews.


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